PCECA Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes: November 2013

Meeting Minutes

Date: November 11, 2013

Call to Order at: 7:00 PM

Pledge of allegiance was led by: Joe Spirelli

Roll Call:

All members in attendance announced their name and company

Treasurers Report:
• Balance in checking account as of November 11, 2013 was $10,512.00
Submitted by: Treasurer Tom Moccio

No Comments or Discussion


• Diane Russo and an associate from Putnam family and Community Services attended the meeting and gave a brief presentation on some of the services offered by the organization. They greatly appreciate all the support from the Contractors Association.

• Our code segment this month was presented by Ed O’Dell from New York Electrical Inspection Services. The topic was Art. 110 and the related sections regarding “Working Clearances” such as head room, entrance and egress, height of working space, clear spaces, Personnel Doors etc.

• Pat Spirelli Jr. gave a presentation on a number of new products on the market today that use some of the latest technology. One of the devices he covered was a Digital “Smart” thermostat called the Nest. It can be programmed and controlled from a smart phone, laptop or tablet. Another interesting device was a camera that can be plugged in to any 110v wall outlet and controlled and monitored via a wireless network. Pat will be back at the January meeting with some more on “Technology”

Old Business:

No Comments or Discussion

New Business:

• The members discussed a proposal to change the status of the types of memberships currently in effect. Some of the issues on the table are as follows:

Contractor Member: Full Member with voting rights
Dues: Currently $200.00

Who qualifies for this type of membership?

Associate Member: No voting rights
Dues: Currently $ 50.00

Who qualifies for this type of membership?
Proposed dues increase

The board decided to discuss these issues and bring a proposal to the January meeting for the membership to review. If anyone has any input on the subject, please email or call one of the board members. You can also visit the website and post your comments. We would ultimately like to resolve this matter and bring it to a vote in January so please be sure to attend the meeting.

Joe Spirelli brought up the fact that we, as contractors have no control of our final certificates. A motion was brought forth to form a committee to look into the situation and see if there is any possibility of changing this current policy.

Special Events:

This year’s Christmas Party will be a joint event together with the Westchester County Licensed Electrical Contractors Association. It will be held on December 9th at the Mansion Caterers- Knights of Columbus located at 139 North Broadway, White Plains, NY. The Party starts at 6:30. See the website for more details.

Motion to adjourn by: Joe Spirelli
2nd by: Mark Cowen

Meeting adjourned at: 9:34 PM

Respectfully Submitted by:
Gene Mauriello, Secretary